What is Vitacilina® used for?

Tratamiento y prevención de infecciones bacterianas de la piel.
Bacterial infections*
Lesiones inflamadas de la piel
Pimples and blackheads*
Acné vulgar como granos y espinillas
Inflamación de los folículos pilosos o folículos capilares
Infección producida por bacterias localizadas en la piel.
Secondarily infected dermatosis*
Inflamación secundaria de la piel.
Burns and minor injuries*
Quemaduras superficiales, abrasiones o raspones, cortaduras accidentales o quirúrgicas.
Úlceras en la piel.

With Retinol and Neomycin

Vitacilina® is an effective combination that associates the antibacterial effects of neomycin and keratolytic effect (regeneration of the corneal layer of the skin) of retinol.

Neomycin sulfate is an aminoglycoside antibiotic effective in the prevention and treatment of bacterial infections at the cutaneous level. It is quickly absorbed through the skin that has lost its keratin layer, for example on skin with wounds, burns, abrasions or ulcers, however it is not absorbed if the skin is intact.

Retinol is a retinoid that gradually increases cell reproduction and has been used cutaneously to help its recovery, since it promotes epidermal exfoliation and the reproduction of keratinocytes.

Apply it as a treatment 3 to 4 times a day

Source: IPPA document


Find it in chain pharmacies, supermarkets, traditional pharmacies and convenience stores.


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